About Me

Full Name

Littlewood Simon J

Simon J Littlewood, BDS, FDS(Orth)RCPS, MDSc, MOrthRCS, FDSRCS

Simon Littlewood is a consultant and specialist orthodontist from the UK and Honorary Secretary of the British Orthodontic Society. He is Chair of Examiners for the Dental Membership Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Co-Director of the UK’s first orthodontic therapy Course. He is the co-author of the best-selling textbook “An Introduction to Orthodontics” (5th Edition) and is well-known for his research, publications and teaching on orthodontic retention. He has lectured in over 35 countries, always trying to use the best contemporary evidence to inform his entertaining lectures.



Clear Plastic Retainers: Evidence & Practical Tips – what clinicians need to know

58.6 minutes

This lecture will provide delegates with the best contemporary high-quality …

Speaker/s :

Clear Plastic Retainers: Evidence & Practical Tips – what clinicians need to know

Littlewood Simon J
Last Update February 24, 2024
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