Shroff Bhavna
Dr. Bhavna Shroff obtained her DDS at University Paris V, her certificate in Orthodontics and Masters in Dental Sciences at University of Connecticut. She is a Professor and the Graduate Program Director in Orthodontics at VCU. She was awarded a Masters in Public Administration at VCU in 2008. Dr. Shroff has lectured nationally and internationally. She is currently the Graduate Program Director in Orthodontics at VCU School of Dentistry in Richmond, VA. She is a past member and chair of the COSA and the past president of the North Atlantic Component of the Angle Society. Dr. Shroff is the National Secretary of the EHASO. Dr. Shroff’s research interests include the mechanisms of tooth eruption and the biology of tooth movement and she has attracted intramural and extramural funding from NIDR, the AAOF, and the AD Williams foundation. Dr. Shroff has published extensively in the areas of tooth development and eruption, biomechanics and appliances design, and clinical orthodontics. Dr. Shroff is certified by the American Board of Orthodontics. She is a fellow of the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists.